
About Us

I have created this website as a detailed resource to help and guide you with any questions you have on maintaining your air conditioner. Through my experience in keeping a well-maintained air conditioner in my own home, countless hours of researching and talking with professionals in this niche. I have provided the most useful detailed information and resource center on how to take care of your air conditioner. I will hope to continue to add useful HVAC guides and content to help with any questions you may have.

What will you find at

What to do when you have an air conditioner not cooling: I have written a detailed guide on what you should do if you were ever encountered this problem in your home. Easy Fix steps and safety precautions that need to be taken. Find out more here.

AC Maintenance

Most people do not realize that there should be yearly maintenance on your air conditioner? Learn easy steps on replacing the AC capacitor and how to properly maintained your air conditioner here.

AC Repairs

There are some really cool tips here from my past history in the industry, and from many professional HVAC technicians I have learned over the years. This section covers detailed guides on how to repair your air conditioner. Find out more here.

If you have any other HVAC questions that have not been answered here, contact us and let me know so I can try to answer your concerns.